Friday, March 7, 2025

TNTET : Tamil Nadu TET : TET is mandatory for Promotion and appointment after NCTE Act 29.07.2011, Madras Court Judgement , No Relaxation for Minority Schools as well

TNTET : Tamil Nadu TET : TET is mandatory for Promotion and appointment after NCTE Act 29.07.2011, Madras Court Judgement , No Relaxation for Minority Schools as well 

Madras High Court

T.Chitra Devi vs The Director Of School Education on 7 February, 2024


W.A.No.392 of 2024


                                  IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT MADRAS


                                               DATED 07.02.2024




                                    THE HON'BLE Mr. JUSTICE R. MAHADEVAN


                                  THE HON'BLE Mr. JUSTICE MOHAMMED SHAFFIQ


                                               W.A.No.392 of 2024


                                              C.M.P.No.2643 of 2024



                T.Chitra Devi                                         .. Appellant



                1.The Director of School Education

                DPI Campus, College Road

                Chennai 600 006

                2.The Chief Educational Officer

                Kancheepuram District


                3.The District Educational Officer

                St. Thomas Mount, Chrompet

                Kancheepuram District

                4.The Secretary

                Jaigopal Garodia National Higher Secondary School

                East Tambaram

                Chennai 600 059

                5.Teachers Recruitment Board

                Rep. by its Chairman

                College Road, Nungambakkam

                Chennai 600 006

                6.Union of India

                Rep. by its Secretary to Government

                Department of School Educational and Literacy

                Ministry of Human Resource development

                217-C, Shastri Bhawan

                New Delhi 110 001

                7.National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE)

                Rep. by its Member Secretary

                G-7, Sector-10, Dwaraka

                New Delhi 110 075

                                             .. Respondents

                          Writ appeal filed under Clause 15 of the Letters Patent against the order

                dated 29.04.2022 passed in W.P.No.34653 of 2019.

                                  For Appellant   : Mr.S.Neduchezhiyan

                                  For Respondents : Mrs.Mythreye Chandru

                                                    Special Government Pleader (Education)


(Judgment of the court was delivered by R. MAHADEVAN, J.) This writ appeal arises out of the order dated 29.04.2022 passed by the learned Judge in W.P.No.34653 of 2019.

2.The aforesaid writ petition was preferred by the appellant herein, praying for a writ of mandamus, forbearing the respondents from insisting passing of Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) for her appointment as B.T. Assistant (English) in the fourth respondent school on 15.06.2011 prior to issuance of G.O.Ms.No.181, School Education Department, dated 15.11.2011 and consequently direct the respondents to continue to make payment of salary including annual increment, incentive and other service benefits.

3.It was the case of the appellant before the writ court that the fourth respondent school is a Government aided private school and she was appointed as B.T. Assistant (English) vide order dated 31.05.2011 and she joined duty in the 4th respondent School on 15.06.2011 against the sanctioned vacancy. While so, she was not paid any annual increment right from the date of her appointment and also not sanctioned incentive increment for her higher qualification. That apart, from August 2019, the 4th respondent had stopped the payment of salary to the appellant on the premise that she has to pass Teachers Eligibility Test (“TET” in short). According to the appellant, TET cannot be insisted in respect of appointments already made prior to issuance of G.O.Ms.No.181, School Education Department dated 15.11.2011, and therefore, insisting upon passing of TET for paying salary and other benefits to the appellant is totally arbitrary and unreasonable.

4.Referring to the constitutional validity of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (“RTE Act” in short), Notification of the Government of India dated 31.03.2010 issued under Section 23(1) of the RTE Act and the Guidelines framed by the National Council for Teacher Education, the Writ Court held that accepting the recommendation and the Notification issued by the NCTE, the Government of Tamil Nadu have issued G.O.Ms.No.181 dated 15.11.2011, which makes it very clear that TET shall be conducted by the Teachers Recruitment Board in accordance with the guidelines framed by NCTE and that, it has been stated in the G.O. that teachers appointed prior to the G.O. will be given five years time to acquire the minimum qualification. Accordingly, the learned Judge dismissed the writ petition, by order dated 29.04.2022, which is impugned herein, at the instance of the writ petitioner.

5.Today, when the matter was taken up for consideration, the learned counsel appearing for both sides, in union, submitted that the issue involved herein is covered by a common judgment passed by the very same Bench earlier in The Director of School Education D.P.I. Campus, College Road, Chennai vs. M. Velayutham (W.A.No.313 of 2022 etc., batch decided on 02.06.2023). The key issues for determination and also the resultant portion of the said judgment, read as under: "1.The key issues that arise for determination in these batch of writ appeals and writ petitions are:
(i) whether passing of the Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) is mandatory for promotion to the post of B.T. Assistant/Graduate Teacher, from the cadre of Secondary Grade Teacher (already in service).
(ii) whether non-possession/non-acquisition of a pass in TET by a teacher appointed prior to 29.07.2011 would affect his/her continuance in service and drawal of increment, without seeking for further promotion to the post of BT Assistant/Graduate Teacher."

WHETHER TET IS A NECESSARY MANDATE FOR TEACHERS APPOINTED IN MINORITY SCHOOLS 71.1. A perusal of the orders impugned in the writ petitions leading to these writ appeals would indicate that the fact that the teachers, in respect of whom approval of appointment was sought for by the school, did not possess TET pass eligibility was not a ground for refusal for grant of appointment approval, nor was it an issue raised before the learned Single Judge at the time of disposal of the writ petitions. Only in the writ appeals, the State Government has raised an additional ground that the teachers whose appointment approval was sought for, did not possess TET. Notwithstanding the same, it is hereby clarified that by virtue of the judgment of the Constitution Bench of the Hon'ble Supreme Court in Pramati Educational and Cultural Trust & Ors. v. Union of India, [(2014) 8 SCC 1], wherein, it was held that the RTI Act, 2009 insofar as it applies to minority schools, aided or unaided, covered under Article 30(1) is ultravires the Constitution, meaning thereby that the 2009 Act will not apply to minority schools, the eligibility of TET pass as required for appointment of teachers in non-minority schools, will not apply to minority schools. In other words, the approval of appointment of teachers in minority schools, both aided and unaided, cannot be refused or rejected on the ground that they do not possess a pass in TET. Further, this specific issue is also pending consideration before the Supreme Court and the law laid down by the Supreme Court in Pramati Educational and Cultural Trust, cited supra, holds the filed as on today. For these reasons, the order of the Learned Judge in the writ petitions is affirmed and the above four writ appeals are dismissed.

"74. For the sake of clarity and ease of reference, the upshot of the above discussion is as under:
(a)Any teacher appointed as Secondary Grade Teacher or Graduate Teacher/BT Assistant prior to 29.07.2011 shall continue in service and also receive increments and incentives, even if they do not possess/acquire a pass in TET. At the same time, for future promotional prospects like promotion from secondary grade teacher to B.T. Assistant as well as for promotion to Headmasters, etc., irrespective of their dates of original appointment, they must necessarily possess TET, failing which they will not be eligible for promotion.
(b)Any appointment made to the post of Secondary Grade Teacher after 29.07.2011 must necessarily possess TET.
(c)Any appointment made to Graduate Teacher/BT Assistant, after 29.07.2011, whether by direct recruitment or promotion from the post of Secondary Grade Teacher, or transfer, must necessarily possess TET. The principles laid down in this judgment will not have application to minority schools both aided and unaided as explained in paragraph no.71.1.
(d)The Special Rules for the Tamil Nadu School Educational Subordinate Service issued in GO (Ms.) No.13 School Education (S.E3(1)) Department dated 30.01.2020 insofar as it prescribes “a pass in Teacher Eligibility Test (TET)” only for direct recruitment for the post of BT Assistant and not for promotion thereto in Annexure-I (referred to in Rule 6) is struck down, thereby meaning that TET is mandatory/essential eligibility criterion for appointment to the post of BT Assistant even by promotion from Secondary Grade Teachers.
(e)The language employed in G.O. (Ms) No. 181 dated 15.11.2011 is to be read and understood to the effect that for continuance in service without promotional prospects, TET is not mandatory."

6.A reading of the above judgment would make it clear that any appointment made to Graduate Teacher / B.T. Assistant prior to 29.07.2011 shall continue in service and also receive increments and incentives, even if they do not possess/acquire a pass in TET. At the same time, for future promotional prospects like promotion from secondary grade teacher to B.T. Assistant as well as for promotion to Headmasters, etc., irrespective of their dates of original appointment, they must necessarily possess TET, failing which they will not be eligible for promotion.

7.Applying the aforesaid ratio to the facts of the present case, wherein, the appellant / writ petitioner joined as B.T. Assistant on 15.06.2011 in the fourth respondent school, this court is of the opinion that she is entitled for continuance of service with annual increments and incentives, without a pass in TET. However, for future promotional aspects, the appellant must necessarily possess TET. Therefore, the order of the learned Judge is set aside and the respondent authorities are directed to consider the claim of the appellant in the light of the directions issued in the aforesaid judgment dated 02.06.2023, and pass appropriate orders, as expeditiously as possible.

8.Accordingly, the writ appeal stands disposed of. No costs. Consequently, connected miscellaneous petition is closed.

Jaigopal Garodia National Higher Secondary School East Tambaram, Chennai 600 059

5.The Chairman Teachers Recruitment Board College Road, Nungambakkam Chennai 600 006

6.The Secretary to Government Union of India Department of School Educational and Literacy Ministry of Human Resource development 217-C, Shastri Bhawan New Delhi 110 001

7.The Member Secretary National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) G-7, Sector-10, Dwaraka New Delhi 110 075 R. MAHADEVAN, J.


gya 07.02.2024
Rajasthan TET /  RTET,  BETET / Bihar TET,   PSTET / Punjab State Teacher Eligibility TestWest Bengal TET / WBTETMPTET / Madhya Pradesh TETASSAM TET / ATET
UTET / Uttrakhand TET , GTET / Gujarat TET , TNTET / Tamilnadu TET APTET / Andhra Pradesh TET , CGTET / Chattisgarh TETHPTET / Himachal Pradesh TET
 / Tamil Nadu Teacher Eligibility Test

 UPTET / टीईटी TET - Teacher EligibilityTest Updates /   Teacher Recruitment  / शिक्षक भर्ती /  SARKARI NAUKRI NEWS  
UP-TET 201172825 Teacher Recruitment,Teacher Eligibility Test (TET), 72825 teacher vacancy in up latest news join blog , UPTET , SARKARI NAUKRI NEWS, SARKARI NAUKRI
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 Shiksha Mitra | Shiksha Mitra Latest News | UPTET 72825 Latest Breaking News Appointment / Joining Letter | Join UPTET Uptet | Uptet news | 72825  Primary Teacher Recruitment Uptet Latest News | 72825  Teacher Recruitment Uptet Breaking News | 72825  Primary Teacher Recruitment Uptet Fastest News | Uptet Result 2014 | Only4uptet | 72825  Teacher Recruitment  Uptet News Hindi | 72825  Teacher Recruitment  Uptet Merit cutoff/counseling Rank District-wise Final List / th Counseling Supreme Court Order Teacher Recruitment / UPTET 72825 Appointment Letter on 19 January 2015A | 29334 Junior High School Science Math Teacher Recruitment,

Saturday, September 28, 2024

CTET 2024: December Exam Notification, Key Dates, and Eligibility Details

 CTET  2024: December Exam Notification, Key Dates, and Eligibility Details

The Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) December 2024 has been officially announced by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). Aspiring candidates can now apply online for CTET Paper I (Primary Level) and Paper II (Upper Primary Level). Here's everything you need to know about the CTET December 2024 exam:

Important Dates:

  • Application Start Date: 17 September 2024
  • Application End Date: 16 October 2024
  • Exam Date: 1 December 2024
  • Correction Window: 21 to 25 October 2024
  • Admit Card Release: Last week of November 2024
  • Result Announcement: Expected by January 2025

CTET Exam Schedule:

  • Paper II (Upper Primary, Classes VI-VIII): 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM
  • Paper I (Primary, Classes I-V): 2:30 PM to 5:00 PM

Application Process:

Candidates can apply online by visiting the official website from 17 September to 16 October 2024. Make sure to submit the application before the deadline and pay the required fees.

CTET 2024 Application Fee:

  • General/OBC (NCL):
    • ₹1000 for one paper
    • ₹1200 for both papers
  • SC/ST/PwD:
    • ₹500 for one paper
    • ₹600 for both papers

Eligibility Criteria:

The eligibility criteria for CTET 2024 are divided into two categories:

  1. Primary Level (Classes I-V): Candidates must have completed their higher secondary education (12th grade) along with a relevant diploma such as D.Ed, JBT, B.El.Ed, or B.Ed.
  2. Upper Primary Level (Classes VI-VIII): Candidates must hold a graduation degree and a B.Ed or B.El.Ed qualification.

CTET 2024 Exam Pattern:

The CTET consists of two papers:

  • Paper I (Primary Level): For candidates aiming to teach Classes I-V. Subjects include Child Development, Pedagogy, Languages I and II, Mathematics, and Environmental Studies.
  • Paper II (Upper Primary Level): For candidates aiming to teach Classes VI-VIII, focusing on child development, pedagogy, and subject-specific content.

Each paper will consist of multiple-choice questions (MCQs), and there will be no negative marking.

Salary for CTET Qualified Teachers:

CTET-qualified teachers can expect the following pay scales based on their roles:

  • Primary Teacher (PRT): ₹35,400 (Basic Pay)
  • Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT): ₹44,900 (Basic Pay)
  • Post Graduate Teacher (PGT): ₹47,600 (Basic Pay)

With the addition of allowances like House Rent Allowance (HRA) and Travel Allowance (TA), gross salaries can range from ₹40,000 to ₹53,000, depending on the position.

How to Apply for CTET 2024:

  1. Visit the official website:
  2. Click on "Apply for CTET December 2024."
  3. Complete the registration process.
  4. Fill out the application form carefully and upload the required documents.
  5. Pay the application fee online.
  6. Submit the application and take a printout for future reference.


The CTET December 2024 offers a significant opportunity for aspiring teachers to secure teaching positions in schools across India. By following the application process and preparing for the exam as per the syllabus, candidates can move closer to achieving their teaching career goals. Don't miss out on important dates and ensure all steps are completed within the given deadlines!

SOLVED PAPERS / Exam Preparation Material JOIN CTET

 UPTET  / टीईटी TET - Teacher EligibilityTest Updates /   Teacher Recruitment  / शिक्षक भर्ती /  SARKARI NAUKRI NEWS  
Read more:

Rajasthan TET /  RTET,  BETET / Bihar TET,   PSTET / Punjab State Teacher Eligibility TestWest Bengal TET / WBTETMPTET / Madhya Pradesh TETASSAM TET / ATET
UTET / Uttrakhand TET , GTET / Gujarat TET , TNTET / Tamilnadu TET APTET / Andhra Pradesh TET , CGTET / Chattisgarh TETHPTET / Himachal Pradesh TET

Sunday, March 24, 2024

CTET 2024 Registration: CTET Application Process Starts, Exam will held on 7th July, See details and Exam Preparation material

CTET 2024 Registration: CTET Application Process Starts, Exam will held on 7th July,  See details and Exam Preparation material

See Details here ->

Exam Preparation Material JOIN CTET 

Saturday, March 23, 2024

TNTET : Tamil Nadu TET : क्या बिना जूनियर टेट पास किये प्राइमरी शिक्षक प्रोमोशन पा सकते हैं ? कोर्ट : नहीं जूनियर टेट पास करना जरुरी होगा जूनियर टीचर प्रोमोशन के लिए , नियुक्ति तिथि से कोई मतलब नहीं No, Junior TET pass is must to get promotion

TNTET : Tamil Nadu TET :  क्या बिना जूनियर टेट पास किये प्राइमरी शिक्षक प्रोमोशन पा सकते हैं ? कोर्ट : नहीं जूनियर टेट पास करना जरुरी होगा जूनियर टीचर प्रोमोशन के लिए  , नियुक्ति तिथि से कोई मतलब नहीं  No, Junior TET pass is must to get promotion

बगैर जूनियर टेट पास किये सर्विस में बने रहेंगे ,इंक्रीमेंट वगैरह मिलते रहेंगे , लेकिन- प्रोमोशन के लिए उपयुक्त टेट ( जूनियर टेट ) पास करना जरुरी है 

6.A reading of the above judgment would make it clear that any appointment made to Graduate Teacher / B.T. Assistant prior to 29.07.2011 shall continue in service and also receive increments and incentives, even if they do not possess/acquire a pass in TET. At the same time, for future promotional prospects like promotion from secondary grade teacher to B.T. Assistant as well as for promotion to Headmasters, etc., irrespective of their dates of original appointment, they must necessarily possess TET, failing which they will not be eligible for promotion

Madras High Court

T.Chitra Devi vs The Director Of School Education on 7 February, 2024

Author: R. Mahadevan

Bench: R. MahadevanMohammed Shaffiq

                                                                          W.A.No.392 of 2024

                                  IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT MADRAS

                                               DATED 07.02.2024


                                    THE HON'BLE Mr. JUSTICE R. MAHADEVAN
                                  THE HON'BLE Mr. JUSTICE MOHAMMED SHAFFIQ

                                               W.A.No.392 of 2024
                                              C.M.P.No.2643 of 2024

                T.Chitra Devi                                         .. Appellant

                1.The Director of School Education
                DPI Campus, College Road
                Chennai 600 006

                2.The Chief Educational Officer
                Kancheepuram District

                3.The District Educational Officer
                St. Thomas Mount, Chrompet
                Kancheepuram District

                4.The Secretary
                Jaigopal Garodia National Higher Secondary School
                East Tambaram
                Chennai 600 059

                5.Teachers Recruitment Board
                Rep. by its Chairman
                College Road, Nungambakkam
                Chennai 600 006
                                                                                   W.A.No.392 of 2024

                6.Union of India
                Rep. by its Secretary to Government
                Department of School Educational and Literacy
                Ministry of Human Resource development
                217-C, Shastri Bhawan
                New Delhi 110 001

                7.National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE)
                Rep. by its Member Secretary
                G-7, Sector-10, Dwaraka
                New Delhi 110 075                                             .. Respondents
                          Writ appeal filed under Clause 15 of the Letters Patent against the order
                dated 29.04.2022 passed in W.P.No.34653 of 2019.
                                  For Appellant   : Mr.S.Neduchezhiyan
                                  For Respondents : Mrs.Mythreye Chandru
                                                    Special Government Pleader (Education)


(Judgment of the court was delivered by R. MAHADEVAN, J.) This writ appeal arises out of the order dated 29.04.2022 passed by the learned Judge in W.P.No.34653 of 2019.

2.The aforesaid writ petition was preferred by the appellant herein, praying for a writ of mandamus, forbearing the respondents from insisting passing of Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) for her appointment as B.T. Assistant (English) in the fourth respondent school on 15.06.2011 prior to issuance of 2/9 W.A.No.392 of 2024 G.O.Ms.No.181, School Education Department, dated 15.11.2011 and consequently direct the respondents to continue to make payment of salary including annual increment, incentive and other service benefits.

3.It was the case of the appellant before the writ court that the fourth respondent school is a Government aided private school and she was appointed as B.T. Assistant (English) vide order dated 31.05.2011 and she joined duty in the 4th respondent School on 15.06.2011 against the sanctioned vacancy. While so, she was not paid any annual increment right from the date of her appointment and also not sanctioned incentive increment for her higher qualification. That apart, from August 2019, the 4th respondent had stopped the payment of salary to the appellant on the premise that she has to pass Teachers Eligibility Test (“TET” in short). According to the appellant, TET cannot be insisted in respect of appointments already made prior to issuance of G.O.Ms.No.181, School Education Department dated 15.11.2011, and therefore, insisting upon passing of TET for paying salary and other benefits to the appellant is totally arbitrary and unreasonable.

4.Referring to the constitutional validity of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (“RTE Act” in short), Notification of the 3/9 W.A.No.392 of 2024 Government of India dated 31.03.2010 issued under Section 23(1) of the RTE Act and the Guidelines framed by the National Council for Teacher Education, the Writ Court held that accepting the recommendation and the Notification issued by the NCTE, the Government of Tamil Nadu have issued G.O.Ms.No.181 dated 15.11.2011, which makes it very clear that TET shall be conducted by the Teachers Recruitment Board in accordance with the guidelines framed by NCTE and that, it has been stated in the G.O. that teachers appointed prior to the G.O. will be given five years time to acquire the minimum qualification. Accordingly, the learned Judge dismissed the writ petition, by order dated 29.04.2022, which is impugned herein, at the instance of the writ petitioner.

5.Today, when the matter was taken up for consideration, the learned counsel appearing for both sides, in union, submitted that the issue involved herein is covered by a common judgment passed by the very same Bench earlier in The Director of School Education D.P.I. Campus, College Road, Chennai vs. M. Velayutham (W.A.No.313 of 2022 etc., batch decided on 02.06.2023). The key issues for determination and also the resultant portion of the said judgment, read as under: 4/9 W.A.No.392 of 2024 "1.The key issues that arise for determination in these batch of writ appeals and writ petitions are: (i) whether passing of the Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) is mandatory for promotion to the post of B.T. Assistant/Graduate Teacher, from the cadre of Secondary Grade Teacher (already in service). (ii) whether non-possession/non-acquisition of a pass in TET by a teacher appointed prior to 29.07.2011 would affect his/her continuance in service and drawal of increment, without seeking for further promotion to the post of BT Assistant/Graduate Teacher."

WHETHER TET IS A NECESSARY MANDATE FOR TEACHERS APPOINTED IN MINORITY SCHOOLS 71.1. A perusal of the orders impugned in the writ petitions leading to these writ appeals would indicate that the fact that the teachers, in respect of whom approval of appointment was sought for by the school, did not possess TET pass eligibility was not a ground for refusal for grant of appointment approval, nor was it an issue raised before the learned Single Judge at the time of disposal of the writ petitions. Only in the writ appeals, the State Government has raised an additional ground that the teachers whose appointment approval was sought for, did not possess TET. Notwithstanding the same, it is hereby clarified that by virtue of the judgment of the Constitution Bench of the Hon'ble Supreme Court in Pramati Educational and Cultural Trust & Ors. v. Union of India, [(2014) 8 SCC 1], wherein, it was held that the RTI Act, 2009 insofar as it applies to minority schools, aided or unaided, covered under Article 30(1) is ultravires the Constitution, meaning thereby that the 2009 Act will not apply to minority schools, the eligibility of TET pass as required for appointment of teachers in non-minority schools, will not apply to minority schools. In other words, the approval of appointment of teachers in minority schools, both aided and unaided, cannot be refused or rejected on the ground that they do not possess a pass in TET. Further, this specific issue is also pending consideration before the Supreme Court and the law laid down by the Supreme Court in Pramati Educational and Cultural Trust, cited supra, holds the filed as on today. For these reasons, the order of the Learned Judge in the writ petitions is affirmed and the above four writ appeals are dismissed.

"74. For the sake of clarity and ease of reference, the upshot of the above discussion is as under: (a)Any teacher appointed as Secondary Grade Teacher or Graduate Teacher/BT Assistant prior to 29.07.2011 shall continue in service and also receive increments and incentives, even if they do not 5/9 W.A.No.392 of 2024 possess/acquire a pass in TET. At the same time, for future promotional prospects like promotion from secondary grade teacher to B.T. Assistant as well as for promotion to Headmasters, etc., irrespective of their dates of original appointment, they must necessarily possess TET, failing which they will not be eligible for promotion. (b)Any appointment made to the post of Secondary Grade Teacher after 29.07.2011 must necessarily possess TET. (c)Any appointment made to Graduate Teacher/BT Assistant, after 29.07.2011, whether by direct recruitment or promotion from the post of Secondary Grade Teacher, or transfer, must necessarily possess TET. The principles laid down in this judgment will not have application to minority schools both aided and unaided as explained in paragraph no.71.1. (d)The Special Rules for the Tamil Nadu School Educational Subordinate Service issued in GO (Ms.) No.13 School Education (S.E3(1)) Department dated 30.01.2020 insofar as it prescribes “a pass in Teacher Eligibility Test (TET)” only for direct recruitment for the post of BT Assistant and not for promotion thereto in Annexure-I (referred to in Rule 6) is struck down, thereby meaning that TET is mandatory/essential eligibility criterion for appointment to the post of BT Assistant even by promotion from Secondary Grade Teachers. (e)The language employed in G.O. (Ms) No. 181 dated 15.11.2011 is to be read and understood to the effect that for continuance in service without promotional prospects, TET is not mandatory."

6.A reading of the above judgment would make it clear that any appointment made to Graduate Teacher / B.T. Assistant prior to 29.07.2011 shall continue in service and also receive increments and incentives, even if they do not possess/acquire a pass in TET. At the same time, for future promotional prospects like promotion from secondary grade teacher to B.T. Assistant as well as for promotion to Headmasters, etc., irrespective of their dates of original appointment, they must necessarily possess TET, failing which they will not be eligible for promotion. 6/9 W.A.No.392 of 2024

7.Applying the aforesaid ratio to the facts of the present case, wherein, the appellant / writ petitioner joined as B.T. Assistant on 15.06.2011 in the fourth respondent school, this court is of the opinion that she is entitled for continuance of service with annual increments and incentives, without a pass in TET. However, for future promotional aspects, the appellant must necessarily possess TET. Therefore, the order of the learned Judge is set aside and the respondent authorities are directed to consider the claim of the appellant in the light of the directions issued in the aforesaid judgment dated 02.06.2023, and pass appropriate orders, as expeditiously as possible.

8.Accordingly, the writ appeal stands disposed of. No costs. Consequently, connected miscellaneous petition is closed.

                                                                      [R.M.D, J.]    [M.S.Q, J.]
                Neutral Citation : Yes/No

                1.The Director of School Education
                DPI Campus, College Road
                Chennai 600 006

                2.The Chief Educational Officer
                Kancheepuram District
                                                                    W.A.No.392 of 2024

                3.The District Educational Officer
                St. Thomas Mount, Chrompet
                Kancheepuram District

                4.The Secretary

Jaigopal Garodia National Higher Secondary School East Tambaram, Chennai 600 059

5.The Chairman Teachers Recruitment Board College Road, Nungambakkam Chennai 600 006

6.The Secretary to Government Union of India Department of School Educational and Literacy Ministry of Human Resource development 217-C, Shastri Bhawan New Delhi 110 001

7.The Member Secretary National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) G-7, Sector-10, Dwaraka New Delhi 110 075 8/9 W.A.No.392 of 2024 R. MAHADEVAN, J.




                                           RESERVED ON : 11.01.2022
                                          PRONOUNCED ON : 10.03.2022

                                  THE HONOURABLE DR.JUSTICE ANITA SUMANTH

                                            W.P.(MD)No.13498 of 2019
                                           W.M.P.(MD)No.10028 of 2019

                     V.Venugopal                                        ...Petitioner


                     1.The District Educational Officer,
                     Office of the District Educational Officer,

                     2.The Block Development Officer,
                     Sivagangai District.

                     3.The Member Secretary,
                     National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE),
                     Hans Bhawan, Wing II,
                     1, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg,
                     New Delhi – 110 002.

                     4.The Joint Secretary (SE-1),
                     Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD),
                     Department of School Education and Literacy,
                     Shastri Bhawan,
                     New Delhi – 110 001.                               ...Respondents

                     (R3 & R4 are impleaded vide order of this Court dated 24.06.2019 in
                     WMP(MD)No.10565 of 2019)

                     PRAYER:- Writ Petition - filed under Article 226 of the Constitution of

                     India, praying for the issuance of a Writ of Mandamus directing the

                     respondents to promote the petitioner as B.T.Assistant (English) by

                     taking his qualification of passing T.E.T. paper - II and by considering

                     his representation dated 02.01.2019.

                                              For Petitioner    : Mr.J.Anandkumar
                                              For R1 & R2       : Mr.A.K.Manikkam,
                                                                  Special Government Pleader
                                              For R4            : Mr.S.Jeyasingh
                                                           Central Government Standing Counsel


A watershed event in the history of India took place on 23.08.2010 with the passing of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (in short ‘RTE Act’). The Act recognised the fundamental right of children within the age group of 6 to 14 years to free and compulsory education and by teachers who possessed and/or acquired the necessary qualifications to be able to instruct them in an appropriate and wholesome manner.


2. Section 23 of the Act which came into force on and from 01.04.2010, reads as follows:

23. Qualifications for appointment and terms and conditions of service of teachers.—(1) Any person possessing such minimum qualifications, as laid down by an academic authority, authorised by the Central Government, by notification, shall be eligible for appointment as a teacher.

(2) Where a State does not have adequate institutions offering courses or training in teacher education, or teachers possessing minimum qualifications as laid down under sub-section (1) are not available in sufficient numbers, the Central Government may, if it deems necessary, by notification, relax the minimum qualifications required for appointment as a teacher, for such period, not exceeding five years, as may be specified in that notification:

Provided that a teacher who, at the commencement of this Act, does not possess minimum qualifications as laid down under sub-section (1), shall acquire such minimum qualifications within a period of five years. (3) The salary and allowances payable to, and the terms and conditions of service of, teachers shall be such as may be prescribed.

3.A Notification came to be issued by the National Council for Teachers Education (in short ‘NCTE’) which was constituted as the nodal body for implementation of the Act in F.No.61-03/20/2010/NCTE. (N&S) dated 23.08.2010 (in short ‘2010 Notification’).

4.The 2010 Notification stipulated minimum qualifications for eligibility for appointment as a teacher in classes 1 to 8 that’s are as follows:

3/21 ‘1. Minimum Qualifications:-

                                  (i)    Classes I-V
                                  (a)    Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 45%

marks and 2 – year Diploma in Elementary Education (by whatever name known) OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 45% marks and 2 – year Diploma in Elementary Education (by whatever name known), in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure), Regulations 2002 OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4-year Bachelor of Elementary Education (B. El. Ed.) OR Senior Secondary for its equivalent with at least 50% marks and 2 – year Diploma in Education (Special Education) AND (b) Pass in the Teacher Eligibility Test (TET), to be conducted by the appropriate Government in accordance with the Guidelines framed by the NCTE for the purpose. (ii) Classes VI-VIII (a) B.A/B.Sc and 2 – year Diploma in Elementary Education (by whatever name known) OR B.A/B.Sc. with at least 50% marks and 1 – year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed) OR B.A/B.Sc. with at least 45% marks and 1 – year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed), in accordance with the NCTE (Recognition Norms and Procedure) Regulations issued from time to time in this regard.

OR Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4-year Bachelor in Elementary Education (B.El.Ed) OR 4/21 Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4-year BA/B.Sc. Ed or B.A. Ed/B.Sc. Ed.

OR B.A./B.Sc. with at least 50% marks and 1 – year B.Ed. (Special Education) AND

(b) Pass in the Teacher Eligibility Test (TET), to be conducted by the appropriate Government in accordance with the Guidelines framed by the NCTE for the purpose.’

5.Clauses 2 & 3 provide respectively that only a Diploma/Degree holder in Teachers’ education as recognised by the NCTE shall be considered for appointment making an exception in the subject of special education to say that a course recognised by the Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI) shall be taken as equivalent to a Diploma in Education (Special Education) or a B.Ed., (Special Education).

6.Clause 3 stipulates the training to be undergone by a candidate with B.Ed.,/, and the qualifications that she/he should possess for eligibility as follows:

3. Training to be undergone – A person – (a) with BA.B.Sc. with at least 50% marks and B.Ed qualification shall also be eligible for appointment for class I to V upto 1st January, 2019, provided he undergoes, after appointment, an NCTE recognized 6-month programme in Elementary Education. 5/21

7.Clause 4 deals with teachers who had been appointed prior to the date of the Notification and is a saving Clause, in a way, reading as follows:

“4 Teacher appointed before the date of this Notification. - The following categories of teachers appointed for .classes I to VIII prior to date of this Notification need not acquire the minimum qualifications specified in Para (1) above: (a) A teacher appointed on or after the-3" September, 2001 i.e. the date on which the NCTE (Determination of Minimum Qualifications for Recruitment of Teachers in Schools) Regulations, 2001 (as amended from time to time) came into force, in accordance with that Regulation.

Provided that a teacher of class I to V possessing B. Ed qualification, or a teacher possessing B. Ed (Special Education) or D. Ed (Special Education) qualification shall undergo an NCTE recognized 6 - month special programme on elementary education.

(b) A teacher of class 1to V with B. Ed qualification who has completed a 6-month Special basic Teacher Course. (Special BTC) approved by the NCTE;

(c) A teacher appointed before the 3" September, 2001, in accordance with the prevalent Recruitment Rules.”

8.Clause 5 deals with a situation where a Government/Local Authority/Schools had initiated the process of appointment of teachers prior to the date of the Notification and permits such appointments to be made in accordance with the NCTE Regulations that were in vogue at that relevant point in time.


9.Thus, to my mind, the sum and substance of the 2010 Notification is that a Teachers Eligibility Test (TET) as a mandate, stands imposed upon fresh appointments to be initiated and made after 23.08.2010, and appointments that had been either made prior to 23.08.2010 or in respect of which the process had been initiated prior to 23.08.2010 would not be disturbed/would not be visited with the changed qualifications that had been imposed under the 2010 Notification.

10.The Government of Tamil Nadu issued G.O. Ms. No.181 School Education (C2) Department dated 15.11.2011 making the TET compulsory and the relevant portions of the G.O read as follows:

ABSTRACT School Education - The Right of Children to Free and compulsory Education Act(RTE)-2009 conducting of Teacher Eligibility Test(TET) - Orders - Issued.

                                                     School Education (C2) Department
                                  G.O.Ms No.181                                            Dated:

1. G.O.Ms.No.220, School Education(S2)Departnnent Dated: 10.11.2008. 2. Governnnent Letter No.15152/C2/2006-9, Dated: 9.10.2006. 3. Fronn the National Council for Teacher Education, New Delhi, Letter No.76-4/2010/NCTE/Acad, Dated 11.2.2011 ORDER: The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 was enacted by the Parliament in 2009 to provide for free and compulsory education to all children of the age of 6-14 years. The Act 7/21 was published in the Gazette of India on 27th August 2009. Subsequently, the said Act was republished by the Government of Tamil Nadu in the Tamil Nadu Government Gazette on 24th February 2010. The said Act came into force with effect from 1st April 2010. 2. As per sub-section (1) of section 23 of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (RTE) the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) has been appointed as the Academic Authority by Government of India. The said Academic Authority has indicated to all the States that the teachers to be recruited in future for the elementary segment should have passed the "Teacher Eligibility Test"(TET) to be conducted by the appropriate Government in accordance with the guidelines framed by the National Council for Teacher Education for the purpose. 3. The said section clearly specifies that teachers who at the commencement of this Act, do not possess minimum qualifications as prescribed by the Academic Authority authorized by the Central Government shall acquire - 2 - such minimum qualifications within a period of 5 years. Hence, the "Teacher Eligibility Test (TET)" would have to be conducted for recruiting teachers for the primary and upper primary classes. The teachers working in unaided private schools are required to pass Teacher Eligibility Test within 5 years. In the State of Tamil Nadu, Secondary Grade Teachers (those teaching classes I to V) are required to have minimum qualifications of D.T.Ed. and Graduate Assistants (BT Assistant) (those teaching classes VI to VIII) are required to have minimum qualification of B.Ed. They should also pass Teacher Eligibility Test forthwith. 

4. However, with the passing of the RTE Act, it is now mandatory for all the State Governments to recruit Secondary Grade and BT teachers only by conducting a Teacher Eligibility Test. 5. In the G.O. 1st read above, orders have been issued as directed by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India on 20.8.2008 in SLP (c) No. 18227 - 18228/2008 that the State Government should followed the State wide seniority in employment registration while appointing Secondary Grade Teachers by calling for the list of eligible persons from all the District Employment Exchanges and by newspaper Public Advertisements throughout the State. The Supreme Court has further directed that the aforesaid arrangement will apply for any recruitment to be made pending disposal of these appeals. 6. In the Government letter 2"'* read above, the Government 8/21 changed the recruitment policy in 2006-07 for recruiting Graduate Assistants, from written examination to State wide registration seniority in Employment Exchange. 7. The Government carefully examined on the lines of the orders of Supreme Court of India in SLP(c) No.18227- 18228 dated 20.8.2008 and National Council for Teacher Education guidelines and issue the following orders in respect of change of policy for recruitment of Secondary Grade and B.T Teachers.

i. In respect of Secondary Grade Teachers, the statewide seniority in Employment Exchange Registration will continue to be followed till the disposal of the SLP filed in the Supreme Court of India.

ii. In respect of Graduate Assistants (B.T.Teachers recruited by TRB for the Classes VI to X) in all middle schools, High/Higher Secondary Schools, selection through written examinations ("Teacher Eligibility Test” ) in accordance with the guidelines framed by National Council for Teacher Education and certificate verification, will be followed.

iii The Teachers Recruitment Board is designate as the Nodal Agency for conducting of Teacher Eligibility Test and recruitment of Teachers.

8. Guidelines for conducting Teacher Eligibility Test is enclosed in the Annexure to the Government Order.

                                                                       //By Order of Governor//
                                                                       (emphasis       by     underlining

Rajasthan TET /  RTET,  BETET / Bihar TET,   PSTET / Punjab State Teacher Eligibility TestWest Bengal TET / WBTETMPTET / Madhya Pradesh TETASSAM TET / ATET
UTET / Uttrakhand TET , GTET / Gujarat TET , TNTET / Tamilnadu TET APTET / Andhra Pradesh TET , CGTET / Chattisgarh TETHPTET / Himachal Pradesh TET
 / Tamil Nadu Teacher Eligibility Test

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Thursday, August 2, 2018

CTET प्राथमिक लेवल परीक्षा के लिए B Ed धारी भी पात्र ? CTET Level 1 Exam, B Ed Candidate Eligible ?

CTET प्राथमिक लेवल परीक्षा के लिए B Ed धारी भी पात्र ?
CTET Level 1 Exam, B Ed Candidate Eligible ?

CTET परीक्षा कराने वाली संस्था CBSE  जिस NCTE गाइड लाइंस के तहत परीक्षा करती है और अपने होम पेज पर उसका उल्लेख भी किया हुआ है | 
In accordance with the provisions of sub-section (1) of Section 23 of the RTE Act, the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) vide Notification dated 23rd August, 2010 and 29th JULY, 2011

उस 29 जुलाई 2011 के नोटिफिकेशन में सशोधन हो चुका है और प्राथमिक शिक्षक बनने के लिए टेट लेवल -1 परीक्षा के लिए अब B Ed धारी भी पात्र हैं | 

गजट / राजपत्र नोटिफिकेशन को तत्काल प्रभाव से लागु किया जाता है , ऐसा के वी एस 2011 की भर्ती के मध्य में तत्काल प्रभाव से टेट को लागु करके भी हुआ था , और सभी सरकारी भर्तियों के मध्य में परिवर्तन कर टेट लागु हुआ था | 

F. No. NCTE-Regl 012/16/2018.—In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of Section 23 of Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act. 2009 (35 of 2009) and in pursuance of notification number S.O. 750(E), dated the 31st March, 2010 issued by the Department of School Education and Literacy, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) hereby makes the following further amendments to the notification number F.N. 61-03/20/2010/NCTE/(N&S), dated the 23rd August, 2010, published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part III, Section 4, dated the 25th August, 2010, hereinafter referred to as the said notification namely:— (1) In the said notification, in para 1 in sub-para (i), in clause (a) after the words and brackets “Graduation and two year Diploma in Elementary Education (by whatever name known), the following shall be inserted, namely:- OR “Graduation with at least 50 % marks and Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.)” 2. In the said notification in para 3, for sub-para(a), the following sub-para shall be substituted namely:- “(a) who has acquired the qualification of Bachelor of Education from any NCTE recognized institution shall be considered for appointment as a teacher in classes I to V provided the person so appointed as a teacher shall mandatorily undergo a six month Bridge Course in Elementary Education recognized by the NCTE, within two years of such appointment as primary teacher”. SANJAY AWASTHI, Member Secy. [ADVT.-III/4/Exty./121/18-19] Note : The Principal Notification was published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part III, Section 4, dated the 25th August, 2010 vide number 64-03/20/2010/NCTE(N&S), dated the 23rd August, 2010 and amended vide number 61-1/2011/NCTE(N&S), dated the 29th July, 2011

Friday, May 19, 2017

TET - NCTE 22 मई 2017 (सोमवार ) के दिन शायद सुप्रीम कोर्ट में टेट को सिर्फ क्वालिफाइंग घोषित न करे , और शायद यह लिख सकती है : -

TET - NCTE 22 मई 2017 (सोमवार ) के दिन शायद सुप्रीम कोर्ट में टेट को सिर्फ क्वालिफाइंग घोषित न करे , और शायद यह लिख सकती है :  -

NCTE को सोमवार को सुप्रीम कोर्ट में गाइड लाइंस स्पष्ट कर हलफनामा (Affidavit) देना है 

NCTE किसी भी तरह से अपने हलफनामे में टेट को सिर्फ क्वालिफाइंग नहीं घोषित कर सकती क्योंकि सम्पूर्ण देश (राजस्थान , तमिलनाडु इत्यादि ) में लाखों 
शिक्षकों की भर्ती टेट वेटेज से हो चुकी है और उत्तर प्रदेश में 72825 शिक्षक भर्ती सुप्रीम कोर्ट के आदेशानुसार टेट मेरिट से हो चुकी है | 

अब शायद NCTE अपने हलफनामे में यह लिखेगी की :

नियोक्ता को अधिकार है की वह टेट वेटेज किस प्रकार ले या सिर्फ टेट को एक क्वालिफाइंग परीक्षा घोषित कर दे | 

यह भी दिलचस्प है की अगर राज्य को अधिकार है की टेट को एक क्वालिफाइंग परीक्षा घोषित कर दे तो 72825 शिक्षक भर्ती जो अकादमिक अंको से निकली थी , क्या उसमे नियुक्तियां मिलेंगी और क्या 72825 टेट मेरिट से भर्ती पर इसका प्रभाव पडेगा | 

यह तो मानना पड़ेगा की NCTE ने अपनी विवादस्पद गाइड लांइस के जरिये  लाखों अभ्यर्थियों की जिंदगी से खिलवाड़ किया है , RTI में कुछ जानकारी देते हैं ,
इलाहबाद हाई कोर्ट में कुछ जानकारी देते हैं जिस पर इलाहबाद हाई कोर्ट के तीन जजों के बैंच को लिखना पड़ता है की चयन प्रक्रिया में टेट वेटेज को इग्नोर न करें | 
और अब सुप्रीम कोर्ट में एक और हलफनामा दाखिल करेंगे | 

दोषी अधिकारीयों , मंत्रियों के खिलाफ क्यों नहीं कार्यवाही की जाती जो निर्दोषों की जिंदगी से खेलते हैं 

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UTET / Uttrakhand TET , GTET / Gujarat TET , TNTET / Tamilnadu TET APTET / Andhra Pradesh TET , CGTET / Chattisgarh TETHPTET / Himachal Pradesh TET