Tamilnadu TET (TNTET) Question Paper Answers 2014 Previous Year Paper
Tamilnadu TET (TNTET) Question Paper Answers 2014 Previous Year Paper (TN TET) trb.tn.nic.in Tamilnadu Teacher Eligibility Test (TN TET) 2014 Tamilnadu Teacher Eligibility Test (TN TET) 2014 for the recruitment of Upper and Lower Primary Teachers in Tamilnadu 2014 Question Papers http://trb.tn.nic.in TRB TN-TET
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TNTET TRB Exam Hall Ticket 2014 Download Admit Card 2014
NTET TRB Exam Hall Ticket 2014
Teachers Recruitment board is going to conduct Tamil Nadu Teachers Eligibility Test 2014. All candidates who have applied for this TNTET exam and want to become visible for this examination must have TNTET hall ticket 2014.So being eligible to get entry in the examination hall, hall ticket is necessary. Candidates may download the admit card from the official website of the Teachers Recruitment Board, Chennai. Information connected to the hall ticket is given below by the recruitmentresult.com of TNTET TRB Exam Hall Ticket 2014:
Organisation name Teachers Recruitment Board, Chennai
Announcement Admit card
Admit card It is sure that entry will not allow to any candidate in the examination hall, if any candidate will not have admit card. So for getting entry in the examination hall it is necessary to having hall ticket. Main thing related to the admit card is that the admit card of TET will not be send by post to anyone candidate. Every eligible candidate may download their admit card from the official website of the Teachers Recruitment Board, Chennai.
How to download admit card 2014? We are giving you a simple steps by which you can easily download your admit card.
- First of all go for the official website of the organisation which is trb.tn.nic.in.
- Only official website has rights to issue admit card.
- Many options are mentioned there for different purpose on the home page.
- Choose your desired option that is admit card.
- Hall ticket are provided there for different courses, choose is yours.
- You can download admit card and take a printout of this.
Syllabus for TNTET Paper I and Paper II:
Child Development and Pedagogy: It is for age group of 6 to 11 years.
Language I- Tamil/Telugu/Malyalam/Kannada/Urdu- In this section 30 questions of 30 marks are asked.
Language II:-English- In this section 30 questions of 30 marks are asked also.
Paper I: In paper I questions from Mathematics and Environmental Studies are given to Solve. Total 30 questions are asked in this section.
Paper II: In paper II questions from Mathematics and Social Studies are given to solve as according to the subject you choose for teaching. Total 60 questions are asked in this section.
TNTET Model Question Papers & Answers for Paper I and Paper II:
Que-The term used by Piaget to refer “one’s cognitive structure”
A. Iconic B. Schema C. Action Schema D. Egocentric
Que-How many stages are there in psycho-social growth of man according to Erickson?
A. 6 Stages B. 4 Stages C. 10 Stages D. 8 Stages
Non Directive councelling was advocated by
A. Karl Rogers B. Darwin C. Taylor D. Pavlov
Que.Name the test deviced by Thorndike in multiple theory of Intelligence?